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untiled[6].mergeNewParams({ palette: mode }); untiled[7].mergeNewParams({ palette: mode }); untiled[8].mergeNewParams({ palette: mode }); untiled[9].mergeNewParams({ palette: mode }); untiled[10].mergeNewParams({ palette: mode }); untiled[11].mergeNewParams({ palette: mode }); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // Set a style for the given layer: function setLayerStyle(layerName, index, layer) { //alert('set style'); var sldLayerName = sld.namedLayers[layerName]; if(sldLayerName) { var customStyle=sld.namedLayers[layerName].userStyles[index]; layer.styleMap.styles['default']=customStyle; layer.styleMap.styles['temporary']=highlightStyle; layer.redraw(); } } function complete(req) { //alert('complete fct'); sld = || req.responseText); //parcurg vectorii setLayerStyle("Spatii verzi",0,untiled[6]); setLayerStyle("Teren proprietate privata",0,untiled[7]); setLayerStyle("Spatiu verde",0,untiled[8]); setLayerStyle("Institutii",0,untiled[9]); 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";} if('Teren proprietate privata'){ title = 'Teren proprietate privata'; fname = fname + '
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";} if('Spatiu verde'){ title = 'Spatiu verde'; fname = fname + '
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";} if('Institutii'){ title = 'Institutii'; fname = fname + '
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  • "; else fname = fname + "- "; fname = fname + "
";} if('Arbori'){ title = 'Arbori'; fname = fname + '
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  • "; else fname = fname + "- "; fname = fname + "
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  • "; else fname = fname + "- "; fname = fname + "
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  • "; else fname = fname + "- "; fname = fname + "
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  • "; else fname = fname + "- "; fname = fname + "
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